How do you really start a page that’s supposed to tell the world about yourself without coming across as a callosal tit. The answer is you can’t.
Hi. My name is Emmanuel Peter and I live up in Lagos, Nigeria where I was born and raised. I’ve been gaming for something like ten years now over a variety of platforms. And then I decided that writing about games made sense. I loved to read, loved videogames and somehow decided that writing about them made perfect sense. My early work, in a word, sucked. My current work sucks, too, but my initial work sucked more.
But, at the end of the day, even if just one person is reading it, I’ll be writing it, and if nobody is reading it, I’ll still be writing in my notebook. Why?Because I find writing about games to be cathartic, a way of dealing with Cystic Fibrosis and life in general. It doesn’t come naturally or easily to me. Indeed, I’m a slow writer, but I struggle through and hopefully manage to produce some reasonable work.
Hi, I’m a gamer, and I like to write about games.
Now that I’ve got that out of the way, lets get down to what this site actually is.
You’ll see game news and reviews based on on PC games and Xbox One.
The goal is to simply be honest about how I feel about any given game. Reviews are inherently subjective and thus while I will attempt to be fair and provide as good an overview as I can, ultimately you’ll be reading my opinion.
On top of videogames you’ll also find boardgame reviews on here, too, because boardgames have a lot in common with videogames. I hope to inspire at least a couple of you to go out and buy a few boardgames, get a few friends together and discover the medium’s unique magic.